Best Paper Award
In 2024, the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) inaugurates a yearly award for the best and most influential publication in thoracic radiology by its members. Eligible works are those published by an ESTI member in the calendar year preceding the congress (2023 for the prize in 2024). The prize consists of a free registration for the next ESTI meeting and travel support of up to 1.000 EUR and will be awarded during the annual meeting of the society, for the first time at the Awarding Ceremony at the ESTI congress 2024 in Rome*. Any member in good standing of ESTI who has authored an original work as either the first or senior author within the year before is welcome to submit his/her fully published article (published ‘ahead of print’ will not be eligible for submission).
The evaluation of all submissions will be conducted by members from the ESTI Research Committee, who will assess the works based on specific criteria such as novelty, clinical applicability, and scientific importance.
Submission procedure
The application must be submitted vie email to the ESTI Office ( by the first or senior author. If two authors have shared authorship, the prize will be awarded to both. Additionally, consent from all co-authors must be provided along with the submission.
Submission documents
• The original article submitted (PDF)
• Consent from all co-authors
• ESTI Membership Certificate
Submission Deadline
The deadline for all submissions is Sunday, February 18, 2024.
We would like to thank all submitters for their efforts and contributions.
Notification will be sent within March 2024.
Winner 2024
Florian J. Fintelmann
Sybil: A Validated Deep Learning Model to Predict Future Lung Cancer Risk From a Single Low-Dose Chest Computed Tomography
*personal presence of the awarded colleague is required to give a short presentation (5 min) on the key results of the publication.